Day 7: Boss Fights

Day 7? Day 8? I don't know, I just pulled an all-nighter. I expected the implementation of a boss fight to be time-consuming, but I did not expect to spend a full day on it. There are still some bugs which I'm running out of time to fix, so I eventually opted for a shorter fight than I had originally planned. It's not too easy though, so it should be fine. In addition, I finally implemented a little respawn system I had on my mind for a while and I'm satisfied with the result.

Here's today's spoiler:

So, what's the plan for the remaining 48 hours? Textures are applied fast, sound can be done in few hours. But not only are the two short opening and ending cutscenes missing - which I yet have no idea how to do - but I also completely disregarded the packaging of the game and the presentation on its page. I'm not sure what to prioritize right now, but I'm also tired and will take a look in the evening after work and a good nap.

Anyway, the actual game is playable and beatable, so that's something! I can submit that to the game jam and the final features I had planned can still be patched in in the upcoming days (or weeks).

Get ∃Λ∀Ↄ

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